
Fibromyalgia, often referred as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) can be a frustrating problem specially because its causes and cure are unknown and it is difficult to communicate to others. Anytime you may feel fatigued, drained out feeling pain and tenderness in muscles, ligaments and joints of the body- neck, back, shoulders, upper or lower back etc. You just get up in the morning assuming yourself to be fresh and energetic and you just feel fatigued in the first hour itself. And be it home or your workplace it may be taken as sheer excuse of being lethargic. Well, the good news to all this is that fibromyalgia is not a disease. But definitely you don’t feel healthy if you feel widespread pain and fatigue every now and then for no reason.

Clinically there is no proven or specific laboratory test to diagnose fibromyalgia. This adds to frustration as when you visit your physician with these complaints they may dismiss it having all test normal and it may mostly be associated with a psychological problem than being a physiological. Psychological stress however does play a role in triggering the pains. According to experts there are eighteen tender points in body which can have tenderness and pain in fibromyalgia. All the muscles at these points co-contract and tighten up to build stress and pain.

There is no clear known cause of fibromyalgia. It can be triggered with flu or other stress conditions (psychological issues). Definitely psychological stress or depression makes it worse. Genetically it is considered that people with fibromyalgia have a predisposition to sensitive nerves. Their brains are more receptive to any painful stimuli or environmental triggers. Depressed conditions or apathy that creates low serotonin levels contribute to the triggers.

Integrated healing approach is advised to people with fibromyalgia which can help healing at a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

Calm and relax mind
Deep breathing exercise, Pranayam and Meditation will help relax mind. This will also help your sleep better and get up fresher. Guided imagery and color therapy are other solutions that help relax mind and lower anxiety. Engage in recreational activities.

]Moderate but regular physical activity
You must start living a healthy lifestyle where you are rest your mind but make your body active. Follow any or do a mixed routine of stretch or physical exercises but use your muscles. You can yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, swimming, aerobics, dance, cycling just anything that you feel like doing. This will elevate your serotonin levels while making your body fitter. You must avoid overexertion and stretching beyond your limits. You can also choose to do a 5-10 minute exercise 2-3 times a day rather than exhausting at a stretch.

Empower and build enthusiasm
Positive thinking is really important. You might have or are going through an unhappy situation which might be causing lot of stress inside you. You have to take charge of yourself and feel empowered in whatever you do or want to do. Set small achievable goals and learn to humor failures. Keep yourself engaged in activities that interest you. Socialize and associate with group of people that give positive energies to you.

According to Ayurveda, fibromyalgia is a Vata dosha which makes your nerves more sensitive to feel pains. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory agent and helps relieving fibromyalgia pains. Ayurveda experts suggest detoxification and herbal oil massages for relieving pains

Spine acupuncture may help in improving fibromyalgia pain and other symptoms

Sleep well
Meditation, exercise and other recreational activities should help you sleep better. However, avoid sleep during the day as it may leave you feel lethargic and depressed

Food and Nutrition
Take light and warm foods. Ginger or licorice Tea will give you instant stimulus and help relieving pains. Coconut water is also good for energy and strength. Take carrots ad beetroot and other fiber and antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables. Include ginger, garlic and turmeric (curcumin) in your diet food preparation.

Avoid depressing environment
Do not watch sad movies and prolong on depressed environment. Get exposure to sun. Visit happy places. Enjoy happy company. Look at things that make you happy.

Good aromas will help relieve your pain and make you feel better.

Herbal oil massage or pain balms will alleviate pains